HTML Table to TSV

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Converting Form HTML to TSV

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Result of HTML to TSV

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What is HTML Table to TSV?

In HTML Table to TSV tsv stands for Tab-Separated Values, a file format used to store data in a tabular form, similar to CSV (Comma-Separated Values). As the name suggests, TSV separates data fields with tabs instead of commas. It is often used for data interchange between different software applications since it is easy to import and export TSV files. TSV is also a plain text format, which means it can be easily viewed and edited using any text editor. Additionally, TSV files can handle data types such as integers, floating-point numbers, and dates.

How to does the HTML to TSV Converter tool works?

To use this tool, you simply need to copy the HTML code of the table you want to convert. By following the steps below you can easily convert the HTML data to TSV format

  • Copy/paste or upload the HTML data in the above textarea
  • Select from the desired options you want to choose also you can select more than 1 option by clicking on the “Options” button.
  • Click on the “Convert”  button and you will get the TSV formal data in the below textarea
  • You can save this data and use it anywhere you want

Moreover, you can see related online HTML tools.

What are the benefits of using the HTML Table to TSV tool?

This tool can save a lot of time and effort compared to manually copying and pasting data from an HTML table into a spreadsheet. Some benefits of using an HTML table to TSV converter tool include:

  • Converting HTML tables to TSV files manually can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large amount of data to process. Using a free online HTML to TSV  converter tool can save you time and effort.
  • An HTML table to TSV converter tool eliminates this risk by automating the process.
  • You don’t need any special skills or knowledge to use an HTML table to TSV converter tool. Simply copy and paste the HTML code, and the tool will do the rest



<!DOCTYPE html>
         HTML example!
         This is a paragraph.


id	firstName	lastName	age
1	Leah	Thompson	28
2	Edith	Mitchell	40
3	Rickey	Barrett	45