JavaScript Formatter

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Javascript Formatter Form

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JS Code

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What is JavaScript?

JavaScript (JS) is a high-level programming language that use to add dynamic behavior and interactivity to websites. It executes on the client side (i.e., in a web browser), and allows for things like form validation, creating interactive effects like dropdown menus, updating content without refreshing the page, and creating dynamic user interfaces. Moreover, it can interact with HTML and CSS, making it a popular choice for web development. Additionally, It also uses for server-side programming, mobile app development, and desktop application development. Online JavaScript Formatter is a free tool that uses to format the JS code.

What is an online JavaScript Formatter tool?

The online JavaScript code Formatter tool is free to use that creates to simplify the debugging process. JavaScript code often compresses with no line breaks, making it difficult to read. To make the code readable and easier to debug our free online tool is the best option to format your JS code.

How to use JavaScript Formatter free tool?

To use this online JS code Formatter free tool, simply paste your JS into the text area and then click on the “Format” button. The formatted JavaScript will appear in the next text area.

Here you can see more Online Formatter Converter Tools.


Code before using the JS Formatter:

function handleClick() { alert("Button clicked!") } const button = document.querySelector("#myButton"); button.addEventListener("click", handleClick);

Code after using the JS Formatter:

function handleClick()
	alert("Button clicked!")
const button = document.querySelector("#myButton");
button.addEventListener("click", handleClick);