Website JSON-LD Schema Generator

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Form for generate JSON-LD Schema Markup


Generate Schema

Result of JSON-LD markup generation


What is JSON-LD Website Schema?

JSON-LD is a way to embed structured data into web pages using JSON. The Website JSON-LD schema is a specialized version of JSON-LD that provides information about the structure and content of a website. This information, including the website’s name, URL, and actions, is present in a structured format for search engines to easily understand and use to enhance the website’s visibility in search results. Google, Bing, and Yahoo all recommend the use of JSON-LD for structured data. Our online Website JSON-LD schema generator is a free tool that generates JSON-LD structured data for your website.

What is a Website JSON-LD Schema Generator?

An online Website JSON-LD Schema Generator is a free tool that generates JSON-LD structured data for your website. It makes creating structured data easy, with a user-friendly interface that lets you enter information such as website name, URL, and potential actions. The generator then produces the JSON-LD code for you, saving you the time and effort of writing it from scratch.

Who is this free online tool for?

This can be useful for website owners who are not familiar with JSON-LD or who want to quickly implement structured data without having to write the code manually.

How to Generate JSON-LD Website Schema Online?

Use the online JSON-LD schema generator free tool by filling in the necessary options and clicking the “Generate Schema” button. You’ll receive JSON-LD markup, which you can copy into the head of your website. Test it using the Structured Data Testing Tool, and if there are any errors, use the WebSite JSON-LD Markup Generator to create the code again.

Where to Paste JSON-LD Website Schema Markup?

The markup, enclosed within <script type=” application/ld+json “> … </script> tags, can be placed in either the <head> or <body> section of the page. Google also reads JSON-LD data embedded in page content using JavaScript code.

How to Validate JSON-LD Website Schema Markup?

To validate your JSON-LD WebSite schema markup, you can use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool. Simply paste the code that includes your JSON-LD markup into the testing tool, and it will give you a report on any errors or warnings in your code. This tool can help ensure that your JSON-LD is properly formatted and will be understood by search engines.

How do these tools work?

Use these tools to verify the syntax of your JSON-LD code and ensure compliance with structured data standards. This way, you can guarantee that your JSON-LD website schema is accurate and will boost the visibility and presentation of your site in search results. The search engines will effectively use the schema to enhance your site’s ranking.

Do Website Snippets Work on Mobile and Desktop?

Yes, website snippets can work on both mobile and desktop devices. However, the way they are displayed may differ depending on the screen size and resolution, as well as the device’s operating system and web browser. It is important for website developers to ensure that their snippets are responsive and displayed correctly on different devices.

Here you can see more related free JSON-LD Schema Tools.

Examples of WebSite JSON-LD Schema

<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "WebSite",
    "name": "Online Tools",
    "url": "",
<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "WebSite",
    "name": "Online Tools",
    "url": "",
    "sameAs": ["",
    "potentialAction": {
        "@type": "SearchAction",
        "target": "{search_term}",
        "query-input": "required name=search_term"